Wow I am really impressed with the event “IT MEET 2010” being organised by Kathmandu University Computer Club, an independent, non profit club of students related to Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Kathmandu University. The event kicked off from today (10th of Spetember) at IT Park, Banepa. It was jointly inaugurated by Information and Communications minister Shankar Pokhrel, and Science and technology Minister Indra Prasad Dhungel. Both ministers applauded the student’s event and expressed views on how useful these events could be in developing the country and finding opportunities for students themselves.
Here’s the extract from the Press release of KU IT Meet 2010.
The event is aimed to promote interaction between students from various colleges of Nepal and between youth from various walks of life. The event will be beneficial for the students/youths in multiple of level. Firstly it will kick start the process of dialogue and interaction among youth that we believe lack in the social system of Nepal. A light will be cast on “Youth” a group neglected by mainstream and pushed into the darkness of solitude. Secondly it will pull students out of the boundary of academic books and lead to a platform where they can express themselves through their words, projects and talents.
The event will also be a chance for students to enhance their communication skills, events managerial skills etc which will be valuable for students/youth in building their career and eventually building better life. We have anticipated gathering 20,000 people among which most of them will be students and general public from Colleges in and around Kathmandu Valley and Kavre District, Youth working in social sector, Media, ICT, Entrepreneurs and other walk of life. The event, however, will be open for all kinds of people.
The Most Fascinating thing for me about this event is the content details it consists of. The event includes several computer and web competitions which are designed to help youths in the developmental issues. This open event which aims to include students from different fields and colleges of students will last for three days.
KU has always been my ideal university in the country and most importantly, it includes students that are genuinely passionate to do something different and bring changes. This event is one of the examples of such work by students themselves. Some of our other universities have fund for Political campaigns that in fact ruin the educational system but glad to know that university as this one (KU) have allocated funds for developmental programs as such.
I am sure events like this will surely help in the development of the country. It will not only work in the favour of students to inspire them to do something in their related field but will also work to develop managerial and entrepreneurship skills in them.
If you are interested in KU IT meet, you can follow the event on twitter for updates or head over to Aakar post, where an organizing member talks about latest updates on his blog.
Source: Press Release of KU IT Meet 2010.